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The story starts with an outlander Alien named “Menar” who was cast out to a dangerous island that none of his brethren live on. This island has creatures from unknown history and these new-discovered species are called “The Lerugs”. These creatures follow the command of their master named “Lur’feoraun” and they are the only beings who walk around this island. They have no relation and friendship with any other being as they are the only living beings of this island. However, this island has a place for possible life, it has the sources needed to survive, such as fresh water, and oxygen, but the food in there is made of different plants and trees, and the food can be rather too harsh to taste at first. The outlander needs to follow one specific goal, which is to survive and fight off The Lerugs off his way, and if he is able to defeat their master “Lur’feoraun”, then he will be able to survive.

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